A collaboration of organizations in the Halton area have come together to lift up stories of belonging in our community. We are embarking on a grassroots media making effort to discover what belonging means to members of our community and the ways they are going about cultivating more of it. This media making project is part of our collective effort to understand how we experience belonging in Halton.
Our calling question is: What If We Create Spaces for Deeper Authentic Connection, Personal Growth, and Community Exploration?
You are invited to join us in the story finding treasure hunt. We are looking for people to come alongside in finding people whose stories we’d like to lift up, conducting interviews with story tellers, as well as in the production of various kinds of media.
This project will be co-designed and co-produced in order to make the most of the gifts of those who choose to join in. If you are interested in learning more about the project and the generative approach to journalism we are taking, you are invited to join us on: Monday, February 24, 20254:00 PM – 5:30 PM
During our time together we will:
Share some of our plans
Invite your reflections
Surface the ways in which anyone who wishes to get involved might
Outline the “generative” approach to interviewing community members
Offer an experience in interviewing and being interviewed in the “generative” style
Explore natural and emerging next steps
This gathering will be experiential and highly participatory. If you choose to join us we ask that you:
Arrive on time so we can begin the journey together
Come prepared to be fully present for the duration of the gathering
Know that your “No” is as welcome as your “Yes”
Please RSVP to office@cdhalton.ca to receive the link for the call.